Tuesday, May 28, 2013

 From my point of view, this has been a terrific year. But I'm just one person.

 Erin? Roxy? You agree, right?

Of course they do. Teachers always say it's been a terrific year (especially on the first day of summer).

 But what do the KIDS say????

Here's what Aidan, Oliver, Bo, Annabella, Paul, Tani and Jakob think about the 2012-2013 school year:

Four things my teacher said a lot this year:

"Let's have a redo."
"That's expected."
That's unexpected."
"Good job."
"PDI Agent."
"Happy Birthday."
"Good morning."
"I want to see you eating lunch."
"Hit the road."
"Wear glasses."
"Take an engine break."
"I like pugs."
"Reflection time.

My favorite place at school:

"The upstairs engine room"
"Sarah C.'s room."
"Amanda and Erin's room."
"Shelley and Sarah A.'s room."
"Julie Siler's room."

If I could swap places with my teacher for the day and become the teacher, I would:

"Teach about u-boats and battleships and destroyers."
"Do art and science early."
"Teach math."
"Listen to rock and roll for an hour and a half, play the video game  Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Genesis for two hours. 1 minute of an engine break. Free time for an hour. An hour of Minecraft. A movie: Ironman 3."
"Do science and read Bad Kitty."
"Have everyone go on pullouts with Sarah C."
"Do a field trip to Sandy Springs Fun House."

My favorite part of the school day is:

"Bacon Chase"
"Having Choice"
"Having pullouts"
"Pullouts with Sarah A."

Things I really liked to eat at lunch:

"Cheese sandwiches"
"Goldfish and Cheese-Its"
"Fired rice and macaroni"
"Pizza and potatoes"
"Something my Mom makes"

Things I did not like to eat for lunch:

"Apples and clementines"
"Broccoli and chicken"

My Favorite song from music class:

"West Virginia" (Country Roads, Take me Home")
"Good Morning Song"
"She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain"
"This Land is Your Land"

If my teacher gave me 20 minutes to do whatever I wanted at the start of class, I would:

"Play Legos"
"Play with the beads"
"Run 10 laps"
"Play Minecraft on the ipad"
"Play Plants v Zombies"

During summer I will miss these things the most from school:

"Pullouts and choice"
"Choice and engine breaks"
"Reading and science"
"Erin and Sarah C."
 "You and other teachers and friends"

What was your favorite Norse myth or Fairy tale?:

"The Three Little Pigs"
"The Three Little Pigs"
 "The Three Billy Goats Gruff"
"The Three Little Pigs because it is a creative story and cool and not boring."
"The Death of Balder"

What was your favorite read aloud?

"Bad Kitty"
"Bad Kitty, because it is funny"
"Bad Kitty for President  because its interesting to find out who the president will be"

What was your favorite science activity?

"The plane video was my favorite because it lasted two science days."
"Making quicksand"
"Bill Nye when he's crazy"
"The Bill Nye desert video"
"Making airplanes"

What was your favorite thing to play at recess or PE?

 "Dodgeball because you throw balls."
"I like swinging at recess because it is fun."
"Dodgeball, because it is fun."
"Ultimate TV because its a video game."
 "Bacon Chase"

If you could give one word to sum up the year, what would it be?


To our families moving to different schools next year, you will be missed.  To those families returning, we'll see you in August.

To all of you...

Have a great summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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