Saturday, August 4, 2012


Friday, December 9, 2011

Hi, Folks,

Oh, how I love this time of the year. Visions of sugarplums and latkes dancing in our heads, joyous evenings spent around the tree/menorah/festivus pole, massive waistline and credit card bill expansion.
‘Tis the season for a really, really awful song. Consider it my gift to you. Don’t say I never gave you anything.

On the first day of Nondenominational  December Holiday Celebration my Hirsch class gave to meeeeee

Little Rigs living ha-a-pily!
We finally ditched those 3 Little Porkers and Mr. Big Bad...sort of. The latest version of the story involves 3 Little Rigs, multicolored tow-trucks sent out into the world by their mama to build their own garages. Beware, Little Rigs, the Big Bad Wrecking Ball loves to crash, bash and smash. And he’s coming to your garage! Ask your child to tell you the story.
On the second day of Nondenominational  December Holiday Celebration my Hirsch class gave to meeeeee

Choice Game Time
Next week we will take a break from our “Busy Base” block building time at choice to learn some new games. Choice time will still be choice time, but the kids get to choose their games! Will there be an Atlanta-Opoly tournament, or will Mastermind and Make 7 be the favorites? Stay tuned!

On the third day of Nondenominational  December Holiday Celebration my Hirsch class gave to meeeeee
Max Mekong
Yes, we now have 2 Max’s in class. The Vigilante one and the Dolphin one. One of them is critically endangered, one of them is one of a kind. Guess who this is?
We are so proud that we were able to donate to the World Wildlife Fund to help protect this beautiful creature. Speaking of helping...

On the fourth day of Nondenominational  December Holiday Celebration my Hirsch class gave to meeeeee
Toys for Tots
The Hirsch 3rd annual Toys for Tots toy drive is in full effect. Please send a new toy with your child to help those who otherwise might not have a happy holiday. Hopefully you all received an email yesterday about our toy drive.

On the fifth day of Nondenominational  December Holiday Celebration my Hirsch class gave to meeeeee
5 Awesome Maps
These kids have been fascinated with geography lately. I blame it on the Geronimo Stilton book series. We have been plowing through this series about an adventurous mouse reporter--we are already on book 5! Geronimo is a reporter for the Rodent’s Gazette, and quite the world traveler. So far, we have followed a treasure map on a deserted island, encountered mummies in Egypt, and tracked the Yeti in the Himalayas. We’ve traced his journey on a world map and have learned the continents of the world, as well as parts of a map.
This week the kids created their own maps, based on the “3 Little Pigs” version of their choice. Here are Gabriel, Aidan H.and Max’s maps.

On the sixth day of Nondenominational  December Holiday Celebration my Hirsch class gave to meeeeee
The first, second, third, fourth and fifth days!
These Ordinal Numbers are brought to you by Aidan R. and Jennifer.
Here is Jennifer demonstrating why the first flavor on her cone (blueberry) is tastier than the fifth (broccoli).
Aidan R. wrote a story to share his understanding of the concept. Nine men are lined up to see a movie. The line is moving really slowly. Mr. Blue is especially frustrated because he is ninth in line. Mr. Orange, the first in line comes up with a creative solution:The giant rainbow centipede! The men hop on each other's shoulders and purchase one ticket to get into the theater.

On the seventh day of Non...

What? You aren’t enjoying my song? But, it’s my gift to you! You say you want a refund? Fine. That’s the last time I ever give you anything for Nondenominational December Holiday Celebration. Next year, it’s soot and ashes for you!
Have a great weekend!

Amanda and Erin

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