Saturday, August 4, 2012


Friday, February 3, 2012

Hi, Folks,

My job is more fun than your job. No, really, it is. Why are you even trying to argue? Fine, I have proof.

Reason # 1 that my job is more fun than your job: I get to weigh killer whales.

Comparing weights isn’t as easy as comparing height and length. As we discovered this week, sometimes something really big can weigh less than something really small. Here, Bo and Jennifer use scales to find which things are heavier and which things are lighter.

How many blocks does Orca Willy                Weighing by numbers

Questions for Monday’s treasure hunt: How many things can you find that are bigger than another object, but weigh less?
Why do you think they weigh less?

Reason # 2 that my job is more fun than your job:I get to play in the water.
“I wonder...”            “I know this’ll float!”        “Mystery Liquids”

The sink and float center was a big, sloppy, messy hit! Many exciting discoveries were made.
Questions we asked:
1. How can you make a turtle shell sink and float? How can you make it sink without touching it?
2. Given cans and bottles Dr. Pepper, Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke, Coke Zero and regular Coke, which ones sank/floated?
3. Given 3 “mystery liquids”(shhh...soap, vinegar, cooking oil), which one floated? What do they think the liquid is?
4. Why is it important to follow directions during a science experiment? What happens when a bottle is opened?

Which one floated???            Science: fun and fashionable!

Reason #3 that my job is more fun than your job: I hang out with Gods.

There were moans and groans when I told the gang I was taking a much needed break from reading “Geronimo Stilton” books at read aloud.  Stories about a mouse newspaper reporter were just a little too sanitary for me. I needed something meatier, something with drama, monsters, good and evil, gods and goddesses. Gimme some Torture! Bloodshed! Nothing fits that bill like Greek Mythology.I was a little hesitant to delve into Greek myths--it can be a bit confusing trying to keep all of those Titans and Gods and Monsters and Mortals straight. These guys, however,  have had no problem keeping up with the twisted family tree. I have never seen this crew so focused on a story; they are totally riveted! Ask your child about the labors of Hercules, or the gruesome torture of Prometheus. We’ve already made some terrific links between these myths and our fairy tales. One child noted that when the Titan, Cronus, ate his children, it reminded them of the wolf eating granny. The stone that Rhea gives Cronus to swallow (pretending it was their son, Zeus) reminded another student of the hunter putting stones in the wolf’s belly in the Grimm’s version of LRR. Amazing, amazing connections!!!

Here’s a Greek Mythology family tree (sans 100 headed monsters and Cyclopes)

Reason #4 why my job is more fun than your job: Potty Humor. *
The myths also inspired Max and Aidan Reilly to write their own versions of “Hercules”.
In Aidan’s version, “Aidalese” battles the “Button”; his version of the 9 headed Hydra. The Button, however, only has 3, er, well not exactly heads. Atop the Button’s necks are Bottoms. Yes, Butt(on)s. And at the end of his tail is, you guessed it, a head. When Aidalese sticks a fiery stick into each bottom, the creature tries to put the flames out by passing gas. As a big, big fan of 8 year old potty humor, I absolutely love this version. Hearing Aidan read it aloud during Show and Tell was a true treat. Below is our budding (butt-ing?) comedian entertaining the masses. Gabriel is laughing so hard he can hardly catch his breath. What a moment!
You think it’s funny now, Gabriel, but just wait until you get how funny “Uranus” is!!

*Should also be reason “Number 2” *snicker*

Reason #5 why my job is more fun than your job: I build boats.
We started making our boats yesterday! We’ll finish them next week and see how they float.
“Here, Bo, let me show you how to make a sail.”

Reason #6 why my job is more fun than your job: I wear Muppet pajamas to work.

If Reason #6 alone doesn’t convince you that my job is more fun than your job, then you must be a circus clown or professional roller coaster tester. Can’t compete with you there.

Have a great weekend!

Amanda and Erin

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