Saturday, August 4, 2012


Friday, April 27, 2012

Hi, Folks,

Woke up,
fell outta bed,
dragged a comb across my head.
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup...

Well, 3 cups. Usually more on Monday.

That’s from the Beatles “A Day in the Life” , of course.

Inspired by that tune, here is a “Day in the Life” of our class!


Students hang backpacks, put folder in the folder bin, greet each other, and check yellow “Contract Work” folders.

Check the schedule for pullouts:

and we’re off!
Aidan H. and Gabriel are pulled out with Sarah, Max with Jess.

Oliver and Bo play “Go to the Dump”, a card game that practices different ways to make the number 10: while Aidan R.  reads a graphic novel version of  “Orpheus and Euridyce”  
and describes the characters:


Max, Gabriel and Aidan H. return.
Max gets to work on a division activity:

Gabriel shows off his matrix skills:
and Aidan H. works with me on a math lesson.

Meanwhile, it’s time for a little brain and body work for Bo and Oliver!


Snack time-
The conversation is all about the “hungriest fish” contest. A couple of weeks ago the kids started a tally chart to see which fish made it to the food first at each feeding.  So far, Zeus is in the lead, but Aphrodite is catching up!


Gabriel, Aidan H. and Oliver are pulled out with Ms. Sarah

Bo goes to work with some number line addition:

Max finishes some work from last week:

and it’s Aidan R’s turn for “Go to the Dump”!


Max is pulled out with Christina for “Cooking Club”.
Aidan H., Gabriel and Oliver return. Together, Aidan and Gabriel read “Orpheus and Euridyce” and complete character comparisons:

while Oliver practices addition to 18 and number writing:

Bo finishes his contract and takes an engine break in the beanbags (snuggling with our stuffed dolphin, Max Mekong). Then he is pulled out with Christina.oh, Bo...where are you???

Clean up your work, wash your hands and get out your

LUNCH!!The conversation? Greek Gods, of course. Always.


Jobs (here is the job chart, which changes monthly),

then bathroom, and read silently until

Unfortunately, I have no recess footage. The teachers are too busy dodging balls and running for freeze tag to snap photos. You’ll have to put on your running shoes and join them to see the action!!!

The kids assume the position for read aloud/Greek myth time. Today we read a familiar myth, Pandora. This is a very different version, however, as it is told from Pandora’s point of view. We talk about the difference between a “first person” and “third person” narrative and a couple of students volunteer to retell a myth from the “first person” point of view.


S-T-R-E-T-C-H...and get ready for SCIENCE!

Today’s experiment...Erin has a plastic bag filled with water. Watch as she sticks a pencil through the bag and out the other side! See how brave Aidan and Max are? Unbelievable...not a drop spills!

We talk about why this happens (you’ll have to ask your children!)
and then...
Ms. Erin pulls a pencil out!


Time for Reflections journals, afternoon jobs, and then..
A little Lego time

a little Greek drama (hey, fellas, those swords were meant to be the Argo’s oars!)

and a lot of silliness!

Whew. I don’t know about you, but I am beat. What’s that I hear? The clean up song?
Really? How can it be time to go home already?

See ya tomorrow, kiddos!

And now, for a refill on that coffee. After all,  I’ve got my own kids at home to entertain! Sigh.

Have a great weekend!

Amanda and Erin (who is bachlorette-ing it in Nashville with her beautiful bridesmaids and David Lee Roth. Yeah, you read that right. Ask her about it on Monday...)

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